Chi sono

Già Addetto Stampa al Ministero degli Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Digital Communication Adviser della Rappresentanza Italiana presso le Nazioni Unite a New York, mi occupo di politica estera, comunicazione politica e d’impresa.

Collaboro con la rivista Eastwest scrivendo nella rubrica “La notizia del giorno” ed elaborando analisi di geopolitica.

Scrivo di Web Reputation aziendale, realizzando interviste ad imprenditori e realtà economiche territoriali per ANSA, Corriere dell’Economia e il portale You-Reputation.

FullSizeRenderHo partecipato al Master in Comunicazione per le Relazioni Internazionali della Scuola di Comunicazione dell’Università IULM di Milano.

Laureato Magistrale Magna cum laude in Studi politico-internazionali dell’Africa e dell’Asia presso l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari con una tesi dal titolo “L’Economic Cooperation Organization nel quadro del Pan-Ottomanesimo contemporaneo”.

Iscritto all’Albo Professionale dei Giornalisti, ho collaborato con varie testate giornalistiche quali Onuitalial’Occidentale, il Manifesto sardo, Sardinews, Il Portico, scrivendo di Nazioni Unite, relazioni internazionali, economia e cultura.

Questo blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica in quanto viene aggiornato senza alcuna periodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsi un prodotto editoriale ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001

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  11. Tatiana

    How’s it going, matteomeloni1986?

    Do you not wish you could be Instagram popular?

    If you are like me, you have rummaged through Instagram, wondering “how do so many friggin people on Instagram get so rich and famous”?

    Now, imagine that it is Friday and you have just woken up from a sound sleep.

    Roll over, check the cell.

    Click the Instragram App.

    Whoaaa, you think, Over 561 likes on a single picture.

    You rise out of your bed, stalk to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you put the kettle on for some coffee, and check Instagram again.

    Bam! Another 38 likes.

    Buzz—another message pops into your inbox from a follower. They’re asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.

    The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there is another message–this time from a young girl–thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and your’e an inspiration.

    Within minutes, your phone buzzes AGAIN.

    Wow, ANOTHER message. You close your phone and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
    Anyways, you get the point. This is the life of an Instagram celebrity. I should know, because I’ve made many of them.

    My job is to take people from Instagram anonymous to Insta-celebrity. (It sounds foolish, but results don’t lie.)

    Imagine if you could raise your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    It is not complicated to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad…without even trying.

    Our pro-rated, confidential service quickly sends likes to your images a few minutes after you have posted them.

    The “Top Post” section, all of a sudden, does not seem that far away.

    And because we love you, we made testing things out as simple as kitchen-cooled apple crumble:
    1. Visit
    2. Enter your Instagram username.
    3. 10 – 15 likes will be sent to your three most recent uploads. Just like that.

    Being a everyday name on that page will increase your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?

    Happy image-uploading.

    "Mi piace"

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